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Frostbite Race #3 EVENT CANCELLED due to potentially dangerous road conditions
About this event
WCSC Frostbite Race #3
Welcome to the WCSC Frostbite Series for 2025! The Frostbite is a pursuit start race series open to all sailors and boats and is a great way to enjoy your club and your boat over the winter months without the formality of windward-leeward buoy racing.
If you haven’t tried a pursuit race before, government navigation buoys are used for course marks, and boats receive staggered start times based on their PHRF ratings, so the slower boats start first, followed by faster boats. This eliminates all those crowds at the start. It also adds a “fun factor” to the race because you can see exactly how you’re doing against the competition: If you are ahead of a boat on the racecourse, you are beating that boat. The first boat to the finish wins, simple as that.
After the race, we will warm up at the fireplace, likely have an adult beverage (BYOB), and enjoy the usual post-race trash talk. Ray and Jeanne Guidi will provide the meal for the after-race social. We are still soliciting volunteers to provide soup or chili for the after-race social for the remaining 3 Frostbite races. If you are willing to do this, please contact Rick Fontenot (contact information below).
Check-in and final registration begin at 10:30. Please check in with Rick (the guy with the computer) as you enter the main room of the Clubhouse. He will need to enter your boat into the delay-time spreadsheet before the skippers’ meeting gets started. Skippers' meeting is at 11:00. At that time, we will decide which course to sail and will explain the pursuit start process. You are advised to download and print the Sailing Instructions, Lake Map, and the Buoy and Course List, as these will not be provided at the skippers’ meeting. For those who are new to sailboat racing, the Sailing Instructions contain race details that a skipper must know in order to sail the race. If you are new to the Club’s pursuit start races, you may wish to read A Beginner’s Guide to the Frostbite Series. These documents can be found in the Frostbite Series 2025 folder on the Club website:
Home > Membership (you must be logged in) > Club Documentation > Race/Regatta Documentation (click on folder icon, not text) >
Frostbite Series (again, folder icon) > Frostbite Series 2025 (you may have to scroll to the top of the page to access the documents)
Race Committee:
PRO Alan Curtiss, Deborah and John Burnett, Pete Skrocki
Questions or comments, contact Rick 334-332-2025
Registration Info
Registration is required